Raza | Apodo | MONEDA | PRECIO |
Angus Negro | Alfonso | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Apache | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Apache | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | Autentico | Gs | 30000 |
Angus Negro | Baluarte | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | BlackOnyx | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Cascade | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Celta | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Columbo | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Commonwealth | US$ | 35 |
Angus Negro | Completo | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Negro | Confiable | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | CRACKERJACK | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | DonHoracio | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | Drive | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Emblazon 27C | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Emblazon 854 | US$ | 10 |
Angus Negro | Euro | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Exponential | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Gales | US$ | 5 |
Angus Negro | GranDanes | Gs | 25000 |
Angus Negro | HeadlinerLider | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | HighRoad | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | HIghRoller | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Justcause | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Justified | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Kansas | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Mario | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | MAYACO 473 | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | MAYACO | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Ozzie | US$ | 35 |
Angus Negro | Pincen | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | PoweRpoint | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | PoweRpoint | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Preferido | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Puñal | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Raindance | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Referente | US$ | 10 |
Angus Negro | Reliant | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Retratado | Gs | 25000 |
Angus Negro | Socrates | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Solidario | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Territory | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Agustin | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | Cane | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Capataz | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Carrilero | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | DonAntonio | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | GARANTIDO | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | DraftPick | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Entrerriano | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Exceptional | US$ | 15 |
Angus Rojo | Front | US$ | 35 |
Angus Rojo | Gold Rush | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Guitarrero | Gs | 30000 |
Angus Rojo | Hercules | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Ideal | US$ | 7 |
Angus Rojo | Implacable | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | macallan | Gs | 45000 |
Angus Rojo | Moderado | US$ | 7 |
Angus Rojo | Oriental | Gs | 70000 |
Angus Rojo | Quebrantador | Gs | 500000 |
Angus Rojo | RedOly | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Relentless | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Scotch | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | SirLoin | US$ | 15 |
Angus Rojo | Tala 600 | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | Tehuelche | Gs | 40000 |
Angus Rojo | Toba | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Toluca | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | upfront | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | Wideload | US$ | 15 |
Braford | AmargoFelipe | Gs | 40000 |
Braford | Armani | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Bollinger | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Burley | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Burt | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Campeon | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | CdCombat | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Chamamecero | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | CheRubicha | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Cholo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | cirilo | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Contador | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Cosworth126 | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Edengarry Emperor | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | ElChe | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Engreido | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Fanfarron | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Fischer | US$ | 50000 |
Braford | GranPiqueteño | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Graphite | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Hechicero | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Imperial | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Indio | Gs | 20000 |
Braford | jaka | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Ka aru | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Kennedy | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Kurusu | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Magno | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Mbarete | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Mr.Ancho | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Neimen XPO | US$ | 200 |
Braford | nicasio | Gs | 45000 |
Braford | Paye | Gs | 80000 |
Braford | Penrith | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Perdito | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Pragmatico | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | PuertoFalcon | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | PuertoGalileo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | PuertoGalileo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Ragnar | GS | 30000 |
Braford | Rangers Legacy | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Romeo | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Rumor | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Tabaco | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Tala73 | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Tally Ho | Gs | 40000 |
Braford | Umbu | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Warrego | US$ | 30 |
Braford | woodrow | US$ | 35 |
Braford | yacare | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Atari | Gs | 150000 |
Brahman | Beckton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Big John | US$ | 7 |
Brahman | boombox | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Boy | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Breaker | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Bubba | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Calixto | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Captain | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Carson | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Clanton | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Classic | US$ | 6 |
Brahman | Comando | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Comet | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Corona | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Deeds | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Diablo | US$ | 100 |
Brahman | DocHoliday | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Dutton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Echo | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Elijah | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Elmo | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Elmo246 | Gs | 45000 |
Brahman | ElRey | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Falco | US$ | 125 |
Brahman | Gabriel | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Gene | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Granizo | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Gringo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Hooks | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Jacob | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Jojo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Junior | US$ | 7 |
Brahman | Karu | US$ | 200 |
Brahman | Larry | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Layton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | lemarc | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | ManofSteel | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | MansoReload | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | MarioBross170 | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Massai | US$ | 200 |
Brahman | MassaiMorani | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | maverick | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Maximo | US$ | 25 |
Brahman | Mbarete | Gs | 150000 |
Brahman | Mcal.Estigarribia | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | molemocho | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Mosley | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Mr H Maddox | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Mr HM 777 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Mr V8 160/8 | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Mr V8 380/6 | US$ | 1500 |
Brahman | Mr V8 815/5 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Mr V8 846/5 The Rock | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Mr V8 901/4 | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | mundial | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Nieto | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | NOBLE | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | PrideMaddox | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Prodigio | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Quincy | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Ragnar | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Rebelde | US$ | 25000 |
Brahman | recluta | Gs | consultar |
Brahman | RobertLee | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Roma | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Selecto | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Sir Dixon | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Sir Gates | US$ | 125 |
Brahman | Sloan | US$ | 1500 |
Brahman | SpecialReload | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Summit | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | SuperMario | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | SuvaBob | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | taita2143beckton | Gs | 30000 |
Brahman | Tala 3375 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Tala3888Tobe | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Tala2598 | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | TalaSpecial | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Tanque | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | themachine | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Thor | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Truman | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Turbo | Gs | 95000 |
Brahman | v8191/7 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | V8259/7 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | V8322/8 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Viva Mario | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Wellington | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Woodman | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Beauman | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Britton | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Ceibalito | Gs | 30000 |
Brahman | Datapack | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Denton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Fulton | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | MassaiPemba | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Ike | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Kallion | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Paddyboy | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Prescott | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman Rojo | Apache | US$ | 100 |
Brahman Rojo | Astro | US$ | 500 |
Brahman Rojo | Bernardo | US$ | 200 |
Brahman Rojo | cardales | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman Rojo | comanche | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman Rojo | Comando | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Designer 2/75 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Diplomat | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Elegante | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman Rojo | Hk Polo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | misterip | US$ | 100 |
Brahman Rojo | Modelo | US$ | - |
Brahman Rojo | Mr Elmeau | US$ | 135 |
Brahman Rojo | Mr. JS Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Navajo | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman Rojo | rhino-mocho | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | pappo | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Paragon | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Parallel | US$ | 150 |
Brahman Rojo | patojo | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Rinox | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | RisqueIntentions | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | RockyElmer | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Rojomocho | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | rudolf | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | rufus | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | SaltarinRojo | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman Rojo | sultan | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Troubador | US$ | 500 |
Brahman Rojo | Tru Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | vendaval | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | vl2/70 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Winchester | US$ | 250 |
Brahman Rojo | zeppelin | US$ | 150 |
Brahman Rojo | solido | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Aonikenk | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Atlanta of Salacoa | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Bar None | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | BlueLabel | Gs | 50000 |
Brangus Negro | Boqueron | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | Buenazo | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Cafrune | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | cbPassport | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Criminal | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Csonka | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Czonka | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Español | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | Etiqueta Negra | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | falcon | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | georgebush | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | Hollywood | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | IHBARNONE | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | ihrudder | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | jackdaniels | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Jacques | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Jamal | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | L11 | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Lgk | US$ | 7 |
Brangus Negro | Libertador | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Lonquimay | US$ | 22 |
Brangus Negro | Mc Stunner | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Monarca | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Monet | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | Mr New Blood | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Nacional | Gs | 50000 |
Brangus Negro | Navasota | US$ | 7 |
Brangus Negro | Ñatito | Gs | 100000 |
Brangus Negro | Omar | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Payanquen | Gs | 80000 |
Brangus Negro | Rollo | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Rudder | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Sansao | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Sapucay | Gs | 30000 |
Brangus Negro | Spartacus | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Sumaj | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Tabare | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | tsonga | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Visconti | US$ | 6 |
Brangus Negro | Yas | Gs | 80000 |
Brangus Negro | Yunque | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Rojo | apuesto | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Rojo | ARAGANO | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Artigas | Gs | 30000 |
Brangus Rojo | Biólogo | US$ | 8 |
Brangus Rojo | Cachamay | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Carabajal | US$ | 15 |
Brangus Rojo | Cecilio | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | Cerrojo | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | CheCatu | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | convertible | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | Cura Malal | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | CXlegends | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Don Aurelio | Gs | 100000 |
Brangus Rojo | DonCorleone | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Dynasty | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Especial | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Etocla | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Gigolo | US$ | 9 |
Brangus Rojo | Gilmour | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Heredero | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | LegendsDream | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Napoleon | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | napoleon9123 | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | Palmares | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Payload | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | RedCash | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | RioBermejo | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | RojoGrande | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Rosendo | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Rojo | Statesman | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Tony Stark | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Visionario | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Foreman | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Milestone | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Resource | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Countdown | US$ | 15 |
Gelbvieh | Dominic | US$ | consultar |
Hereford | AMARAL | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Capataz | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Coronel | G | 45000 |
Hereford | Cubano | Gs | 40000 |
Hereford | FORAJIDO | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Gordo | US$ | 9 |
Hereford | Grosso | US$ | 25 |
Hereford | Kaka | US$ | 9 |
Hereford | Kamaro | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Lucas | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Martincho | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Pamplona | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | PICANTE | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Professor | US$ | 15 |
Hereford | Rayo | Gs | 45000 |
Limangus | Imbatible | Gs | 35000 |
Limangus | Monarca | Gs | 40000 |
Limangus | Ciruja | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Artillero | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Cartucho | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Erexim | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Farao | Gs | 100000 |
Nelore | Faulady | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Feiticeiro | Gs | 45000 |
Nelore | Hidrocor | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Lastro | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Major | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Manucho | Gs | 22000 |
Nelore | Master | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Milvio | US$ | consultar |
Nelore | Truck | Gs | 100000 |
Nelore | URUI3802 | Gs | 33000 |
Nelore | URUI3974 | Gs | 30000 |
Nelore | URUI4167 | Gs | 36000 |
Santa Gertrudis | CO-OP | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | High Roller | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | Bullseye | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | VEGA MEATWAGON | US$ | consultar |
Senepol | ZV-10 | Gs | 20000 |
Senepol | DonJuanCarlos | Gs | 35000 |
Senepol | Luar320 | Gs | 45000 |
Senepol | Sensei | Gs | 40000 |
Simmental | BLACKHAWK | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | HEADLINE | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | BOUNTY | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | COMRADE | Precio: | consultar |
Wagyu | Irashige-Tayasu | US$ | 20 |
Wagyu | Shigeshigetani | US$ | 20 |
Wagyu | RedGalaxy | US$ | 20 |
Raza | Apodo |
FN: 04/05/2014
HBP: BZA010128PY
CE: 44 cm.
PESO: 1,000 kg.
Propio hermano de RAGNAR y padre del Gran Campeón Nacional 2021, con 44 centímetros de circunferencia escrotal adulta.
Combina en su pedigree al gran hacedor de padres GRAPHITE sobre la CCV AUSTRALIA 1508 TE, considerada como una de las mejores donantes Braford del país en impresión de calidad racial y consistencia productiva.
En cuanto recibamos su pedido nos pondremos en contacto para coordinar forma de pago y pautar el envío.
Venta de semen carnicero; Angus, Hereford, Brahman rojo y gris, Brangus, Braford, Senepol, y Limangus. Contáctenos, estamos para asistirlo.