Raza | Apodo | MONEDA | PRECIO |
Angus Negro | Alfonso | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Apache | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Apache | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | Autentico | Gs | 30000 |
Angus Negro | Baluarte | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | BlackOnyx | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Cascade | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Celta | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Columbo | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Commonwealth | US$ | 35 |
Angus Negro | Completo | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Negro | Confiable | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | CRACKERJACK | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | DonHoracio | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | Drive | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Emblazon 27C | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Emblazon 854 | US$ | 10 |
Angus Negro | Euro | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Exponential | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Gales | US$ | 5 |
Angus Negro | GranDanes | Gs | 25000 |
Angus Negro | HeadlinerLider | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | HighRoad | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | HIghRoller | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Justcause | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Justified | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Kansas | US$ | 15 |
Angus Negro | Mario | US$ | 7 |
Angus Negro | MAYACO 473 | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | MAYACO | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Ozzie | US$ | 35 |
Angus Negro | Pincen | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | PoweRpoint | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | PoweRpoint | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Preferido | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Puñal | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Raindance | US$ | 20 |
Angus Negro | Referente | US$ | 10 |
Angus Negro | Reliant | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Negro | Retratado | Gs | 25000 |
Angus Negro | Socrates | US$ | 8 |
Angus Negro | Solidario | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Negro | Territory | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Agustin | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | Cane | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Capataz | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Carrilero | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | DonAntonio | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | GARANTIDO | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | DraftPick | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Entrerriano | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Exceptional | US$ | 15 |
Angus Rojo | Front | US$ | 35 |
Angus Rojo | Gold Rush | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Guitarrero | Gs | 30000 |
Angus Rojo | Hercules | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Ideal | US$ | 7 |
Angus Rojo | Implacable | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | macallan | Gs | 45000 |
Angus Rojo | Moderado | US$ | 7 |
Angus Rojo | Oriental | Gs | 70000 |
Angus Rojo | Quebrantador | Gs | 500000 |
Angus Rojo | RedOly | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | Relentless | US$ | 20 |
Angus Rojo | Scotch | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | SirLoin | US$ | 15 |
Angus Rojo | Tala 600 | Gs | 50000 |
Angus Rojo | Tehuelche | Gs | 40000 |
Angus Rojo | Toba | US$ | 8 |
Angus Rojo | Toluca | Gs | 35000 |
Angus Rojo | upfront | Precio: | consultar |
Angus Rojo | Wideload | US$ | 15 |
Braford | AmargoFelipe | Gs | 40000 |
Braford | Armani | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Bollinger | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Burley | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Burt | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Campeon | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | CdCombat | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Chamamecero | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | CheRubicha | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Cholo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | cirilo | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Contador | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Cosworth126 | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Edengarry Emperor | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | ElChe | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Engreido | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Fanfarron | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Fischer | US$ | 50000 |
Braford | GranPiqueteño | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Graphite | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Hechicero | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Imperial | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Indio | Gs | 20000 |
Braford | jaka | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Ka aru | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Kennedy | Gs | 70000 |
Braford | Kurusu | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Magno | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | Mbarete | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Mr.Ancho | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Neimen XPO | US$ | 200 |
Braford | nicasio | Gs | 45000 |
Braford | Paye | Gs | 80000 |
Braford | Penrith | US$ | 30 |
Braford | Perdito | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Pragmatico | Precio: | Consultar |
Braford | PuertoFalcon | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | PuertoGalileo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | PuertoGalileo | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Ragnar | GS | 30000 |
Braford | Rangers Legacy | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Romeo | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Rumor | Gs | 30000 |
Braford | Tabaco | Gs | 35000 |
Braford | Tala73 | Gs | 25000 |
Braford | Tally Ho | Gs | 40000 |
Braford | Umbu | Gs | 50000 |
Braford | Warrego | US$ | 30 |
Braford | woodrow | US$ | 35 |
Braford | yacare | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Atari | Gs | 150000 |
Brahman | Beckton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Big John | US$ | 7 |
Brahman | boombox | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Boy | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Breaker | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Bubba | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Calixto | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Captain | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Carson | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Clanton | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Classic | US$ | 6 |
Brahman | Comando | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Comet | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Corona | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Deeds | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Diablo | US$ | 100 |
Brahman | DocHoliday | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Dutton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Echo | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Elijah | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Elmo | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Elmo246 | Gs | 45000 |
Brahman | ElRey | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Falco | US$ | 125 |
Brahman | Gabriel | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Gene | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Granizo | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Gringo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Hooks | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Jacob | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Jojo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Junior | US$ | 7 |
Brahman | Karu | US$ | 200 |
Brahman | Larry | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Layton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | lemarc | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | ManofSteel | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | MansoReload | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | MarioBross170 | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Massai | US$ | 200 |
Brahman | MassaiMorani | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | maverick | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Maximo | US$ | 25 |
Brahman | Mbarete | Gs | 150000 |
Brahman | Mcal.Estigarribia | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | molemocho | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Mosley | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Mr H Maddox | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Mr HM 777 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Mr V8 160/8 | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Mr V8 380/6 | US$ | 1500 |
Brahman | Mr V8 815/5 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Mr V8 846/5 The Rock | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Mr V8 901/4 | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | mundial | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Nieto | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | NOBLE | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | PrideMaddox | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Prodigio | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Quincy | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Ragnar | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Rebelde | US$ | 25000 |
Brahman | recluta | Gs | consultar |
Brahman | RobertLee | US$ | 10 |
Brahman | Roma | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Selecto | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman | Sir Dixon | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | Sir Gates | US$ | 125 |
Brahman | Sloan | US$ | 1500 |
Brahman | SpecialReload | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Summit | US$ | 75 |
Brahman | SuperMario | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | SuvaBob | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | taita2143beckton | Gs | 30000 |
Brahman | Tala 3375 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Tala3888Tobe | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Tala2598 | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | TalaSpecial | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman | Tanque | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman | themachine | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Thor | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Truman | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Turbo | Gs | 95000 |
Brahman | v8191/7 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | V8259/7 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | V8322/8 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman | Viva Mario | US$ | 500 |
Brahman | Wellington | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Woodman | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Beauman | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Britton | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Ceibalito | Gs | 30000 |
Brahman | Datapack | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman | Denton | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Fulton | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | MassaiPemba | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Ike | US$ | 150 |
Brahman | Kallion | US$ | 80 |
Brahman | Paddyboy | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman | Prescott | US$ | 2000 |
Brahman Rojo | Apache | US$ | 100 |
Brahman Rojo | Astro | US$ | 500 |
Brahman Rojo | Bernardo | US$ | 200 |
Brahman Rojo | cardales | Gs | 40000 |
Brahman Rojo | comanche | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman Rojo | Comando | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Designer 2/75 | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Diplomat | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Elegante | Gs | 35000 |
Brahman Rojo | Hk Polo | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | misterip | US$ | 100 |
Brahman Rojo | Modelo | US$ | - |
Brahman Rojo | Mr Elmeau | US$ | 135 |
Brahman Rojo | Mr. JS Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Navajo | Gs | 25000 |
Brahman Rojo | rhino-mocho | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | pappo | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Paragon | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Parallel | US$ | 150 |
Brahman Rojo | patojo | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Rinox | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | RisqueIntentions | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | RockyElmer | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Rojomocho | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | rudolf | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | rufus | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | SaltarinRojo | Gs | 50000 |
Brahman Rojo | sultan | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | Troubador | US$ | 500 |
Brahman Rojo | Tru Rouge | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | vendaval | Precio: | consultar |
Brahman Rojo | vl2/70 | US$ | 80 |
Brahman Rojo | Winchester | US$ | 250 |
Brahman Rojo | zeppelin | US$ | 150 |
Brahman Rojo | solido | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Aonikenk | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Atlanta of Salacoa | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Bar None | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | BlueLabel | Gs | 50000 |
Brangus Negro | Boqueron | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | Buenazo | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Cafrune | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | cbPassport | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Criminal | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Csonka | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Czonka | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Español | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | Etiqueta Negra | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | falcon | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | georgebush | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | Hollywood | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | IHBARNONE | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | ihrudder | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | jackdaniels | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Jacques | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Jamal | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | L11 | US$ | 50 |
Brangus Negro | Lgk | US$ | 7 |
Brangus Negro | Libertador | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Negro | Lonquimay | US$ | 22 |
Brangus Negro | Mc Stunner | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Monarca | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Monet | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Negro | Mr New Blood | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Nacional | Gs | 50000 |
Brangus Negro | Navasota | US$ | 7 |
Brangus Negro | Ñatito | Gs | 100000 |
Brangus Negro | Omar | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Payanquen | Gs | 80000 |
Brangus Negro | Rollo | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Rudder | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Negro | Sansao | Gs | 70000 |
Brangus Negro | Sapucay | Gs | 30000 |
Brangus Negro | Spartacus | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Negro | Sumaj | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Negro | Tabare | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Negro | tsonga | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Negro | Visconti | US$ | 6 |
Brangus Negro | Yas | Gs | 80000 |
Brangus Negro | Yunque | Gs | 45000 |
Brangus Rojo | apuesto | Precio: | consultar |
Brangus Rojo | ARAGANO | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Artigas | Gs | 30000 |
Brangus Rojo | Biólogo | US$ | 8 |
Brangus Rojo | Cachamay | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Carabajal | US$ | 15 |
Brangus Rojo | Cecilio | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | Cerrojo | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | CheCatu | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | convertible | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | Cura Malal | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | CXlegends | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Don Aurelio | Gs | 100000 |
Brangus Rojo | DonCorleone | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Dynasty | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Especial | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Etocla | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Gigolo | US$ | 9 |
Brangus Rojo | Gilmour | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Heredero | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | LegendsDream | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Napoleon | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | napoleon9123 | Gs | 40000 |
Brangus Rojo | Palmares | Gs | 35000 |
Brangus Rojo | Payload | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | RedCash | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | RioBermejo | Gs | 25000 |
Brangus Rojo | RojoGrande | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Rosendo | US$ | 12 |
Brangus Rojo | Statesman | US$ | 10 |
Brangus Rojo | Tony Stark | US$ | 20 |
Brangus Rojo | Visionario | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Foreman | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Milestone | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Resource | US$ | 15 |
Charolais | Countdown | US$ | 15 |
Gelbvieh | Dominic | US$ | consultar |
Hereford | AMARAL | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Capataz | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Coronel | G | 45000 |
Hereford | Cubano | Gs | 40000 |
Hereford | FORAJIDO | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Gordo | US$ | 9 |
Hereford | Grosso | US$ | 25 |
Hereford | Kaka | US$ | 9 |
Hereford | Kamaro | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Lucas | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Martincho | Gs | 45000 |
Hereford | Pamplona | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | PICANTE | Precio: | consultar |
Hereford | Professor | US$ | 15 |
Hereford | Rayo | Gs | 45000 |
Limangus | Imbatible | Gs | 35000 |
Limangus | Monarca | Gs | 40000 |
Limangus | Ciruja | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Artillero | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Cartucho | Gs | 40000 |
Nelore | Erexim | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Farao | Gs | 100000 |
Nelore | Faulady | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Feiticeiro | Gs | 45000 |
Nelore | Hidrocor | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Lastro | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Major | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Manucho | Gs | 22000 |
Nelore | Master | Gs | 35000 |
Nelore | Milvio | US$ | consultar |
Nelore | Truck | Gs | 100000 |
Nelore | URUI3802 | Gs | 33000 |
Nelore | URUI3974 | Gs | 30000 |
Nelore | URUI4167 | Gs | 36000 |
Santa Gertrudis | CO-OP | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | High Roller | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | Bullseye | US$ | 60 |
Santa Gertrudis | VEGA MEATWAGON | US$ | consultar |
Senepol | ZV-10 | Gs | 20000 |
Senepol | DonJuanCarlos | Gs | 35000 |
Senepol | Luar320 | Gs | 45000 |
Senepol | Sensei | Gs | 40000 |
Simmental | BLACKHAWK | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | HEADLINE | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | BOUNTY | Precio: | consultar |
Simmental | COMRADE | Precio: | consultar |
Wagyu | Irashige-Tayasu | US$ | 20 |
Wagyu | Shigeshigetani | US$ | 20 |
Wagyu | RedGalaxy | US$ | 20 |
Raza | Apodo |
FN: 19/03/2018
HBA: 144806
CE: 40 cm.
PESO: 845 kg.
CRIADOR: cabaña la bellaca
Tamaño moderado e impecable físicamente, acompañado de correcto prepucio, buena profundidad e importantes mantos musculares. Todo esto avalado por un pedigree sumamente sólido y totalmente abierto, con el importado TJR RED DINASTY 198/A, DON AURELIO y ÑATITO.
APODO | - | PN | PD | AM | CM | PF | CE | AOB | GD | GC | MAR |
palmares | DEP | -0.10 | 12.40 | 2.50 | 8.70 | 34.30 | 1.00 | 1.45 | 0.40 | 0.36 | 0.13 |
palmares | Prec. | 0.40 | 0.30 | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.50 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 0.27 | 0.35 | |
palmares | Rank. | 50.00 | 5.00 | 70.00 | 15.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 10.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 45.00 |
palmares | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
checatu | DEP | 0.00 | 3.50 | 4.20 | 6.00 | 15.50 | 1.00 | 0.98 | 0.30 | 0.12 | 0.24 |
checatu | Prec. | 0.83 | 0.72 | 0.54 | 0.66 | 0.78 | 0.96 | 0.95 | 0.96 | 0.96 | |
checatu | Rank. | 54.00 | 93.00 | 16.00 | 69.00 | 36.00 | 30.00 | 54.00 | 29.00 | 88.00 | 15.00 |
checatu | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
ARTIGAS | DEP | 1.00 | 15.30 | 3.50 | 11.10 | 22.50 | 0.40 | 0.83 | 0.36 | 0.33 | 0.20 |
ARTIGAS | Prec. | 0.74 | 0.67 | 0.56 | 0.69 | 0.77 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 0.27 | 0.35 | |
ARTIGAS | Rank. | 93.00 | 2.00 | 46.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 75.00 | 64.00 | 16.00 | 30.00 | 28.00 |
ARTIGAS | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
GILMOUR | DEP | 0.40 | 9.50 | 3.00 | 7.70 | 17.20 | 0.90 | 0.89 | 0.17 | 0.26 | 0.23 |
GILMOUR | Prec. | 0.79 | 0.77 | 0.72 | 0.72 | 0.72 | 0.35 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.34 | |
GILMOUR | Rank. | 77.00 | 15.00 | 65.00 | 24.00 | 24.00 | 36.00 | 60.00 | 83.00 | 57.00 | 18.00 |
GILMOUR | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
ETOCLA | DEP | -0.50 | 10.20 | 2.30 | 7.40 | 18.00 | 0.70 | 2.28 | 0.59 | 0.47 | 0.25 |
ETOCLA | Prec. | 0.45 | 0.30 | 0.25 | - | 0.35 | 0.50 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 0.27 | 0.45 |
ETOCLA | Rank. | 15.00 | 15.00 | 75.00 | 30.00 | 25.00 | 50.00 | 20.00 | 20.00 | 15.00 | 15.00 |
ETOCLA | Prom. | 0.10 | 7.30 | 3.10 | 6.70 | 15.50 | 0.80 | 1.41 | 0.41 | 0.33 | 0.17 |
CERROJO | DEP | -1.20 | 2.90 | 4.90 | 6.30 | 10.00 | 0.70 | 0.94 | 0.37 | 0.27 | 0.17 |
CERROJO | Prec. | 0.92 | 0.89 | 0.63 | 0.67 | 0.72 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.85 | 0.85 | |
CERROJO | Rank. | 2.00 | 95.00 | 9.00 | 59.00 | 90.00 | 57.00 | 57.00 | 15.00 | 53.00 | 45.00 |
CERROJO | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
GIGOLO | DEP | 0.60 | 7.10 | 3.10 | 6.70 | 18.00 | 0.80 | -0.23 | 0.03 | -0.13 | 0.16 |
GIGOLO | Prec. | 0.98 | 0.97 | 0.91 | 0.94 | 0.95 | 0.74 | 0.72 | 0.72 | 0.73 | |
GIGOLO | Rank. | 87.00 | 39.00 | 60.00 | 47.00 | 20.00 | 46.00 | 94.00 | 98.00 | 99.00 | 54.00 |
GIGOLO | Prom. | 0.10 | 6.90 | 3.20 | 6.70 | 14.80 | 0.80 | 1.00 | 0.27 | 0.29 | 0.17 |
APODO | - | AM | CM | AOB | GD | GC | MAR |
« Scroll »
En cuanto recibamos su pedido nos pondremos en contacto para coordinar forma de pago y pautar el envío.
Venta de semen carnicero; Angus, Hereford, Brahman, Brangus Rojo y Negro, Braford, Senepol, y Limangus. Contáctenos.